Every date, location and number of places left...

Information is updated daily and the dates, times and places left for rides, walks and activites are repeated on the relavant webpages.

These pages also have the very latest information along with information about what you will do, learn and extra details about fitness requremenst etc for the acvity you want to book on.


All the dates!

Check out the calander or the tabs to see every date for all guided ride, walk, course and workshop!

See each website page for further details and booking information

October 2018

Friday, 19th



{{ kalMoment(month).format('MMMM YYYY') }}
  • {{calendar.name | startCase}}
Calendar Key
All this month
Available for hire? - 1:1, 1:2, groups. - Email Nigel for details. - securemail
    12:00 PM
Events{{kalMoment(day.events[0][0].startDate.toJSDate()).format('MMMM Do')}}
All navigation by bike dates, locations and places remaining

2023 dates

Course - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable for
Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!

2024 dates

Course - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable for
Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!
All guided mountain bike rides dates, locations and places remaining
Course - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable forDistance'ish
Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!
All skills and technique workshops dates, locations and places remaining
Course - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable forCourse - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable forCourse - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable forCourse - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable forCourse - Name & LocationDate/s 2024Places left/confirmed as runningLocationSuitable for
Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!Available for one to one, one to two, smalls groups - bespoke rides, skills courses and navigation by bikeAll year!Email Nigel for for infoHampshire, Dorset and WiltshireAnyone!
All guided walks and guided activities dates, locations and places remaining
DateLocationInfoDescriptionPlaces & bookingTimesDistance
6 FebruauryMartin/BroadChalke areaHeadgrow Safari - Common tracks and signs of animals and birds - around'ish 12km (6/7miles)A guided walking adventure with no particular aim but to discover what ever we see along the way! Email for details10am to 4pmEasy pace!
22 FebruauryMartin/BroadChalke areaHeadgrow Safari - Common tracks and signs of animals and birds - around'ish 12km (6/7miles)A guided walking adventure with no particular aim but to discover what ever we see along the way! Email for details10am to 4pmEasy pace!
6 MarchMartin/BroadChalke areaSigns of Spring - emerging plants, anaimals and birds getting active - around'ish 12km (6/7miles)A guided walking adventure with no particular aim but to discover what ever we see along the way! Email for details10am to 4pmEasy pace!
22 MarchMartin/BroadChalke areaSigns of Spring - emerging plants, anaimals and birds getting active - around'ish 12km (6/7miles)A guided walking adventure with no particular aim but to discover what ever we see along the way! Email for details10am to 4pmEasy pace!
A collection of useful links and information

MTB links and information

Cycle computer Free cycle computer to measure distance on your iphone. You will need a mount for your phone to keep it secure on the bike handlebars and also in some sort of case to protect it and keep it dry. Or use the phone with a lanyard pouch or in a pocket to check distance when you have stopped at a checkpoint.


Android Bike Computer - Cycling Tool - not tried this one https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fehmin.bikeometer&pcampaignid=web_share

From Ordnance survey - get the official apps that are free! Search you app store for them

OS Locate - this gives you a 6 figure grid reference for where you are - Even when you do not have a phone signal

iOS - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/os-locate/id810024913

Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.ordnancesurvey.oslocate.android&pcampaignid=web_share

OS maps - this is the OS mapping app - If you subscribe or buy a map you have access to the same map or all maps that can be downloaded to your device. You can also use this app to track your progress and as a basic way to measure distance travelled - the display how ever is quite small!

iOS - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/os-maps-walking-bike-trails/id978307846

Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.ordnancesurvey.osmaps&pcampaignid=web_share

What Three Words - can be useful in an emergency.

iOS - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/what3words-navigation-maps/id657878530

Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.what3words.android&pcampaignid=web_share

GPS devices - if you have a handheld GPS device you can bring it with you to use a cycle computer.

Cycle computer or cycle GPS device - A handlebar mounted device is ideal to measure distance travelled when navigating by bike. It is recommend you only use the device to measure distance and time and not to check your position on the map. You will not gain confidence in using the map if you do this and you will not pass the bronze award!

Start locations

Mountain bike instruction, MTB guided rides, guided walks and NNAS courses start in the New Forest, Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, South Downs and occasionally the surrounding counties of Sussex, Surrey, Somerset and also South Wales. Blue and red route bike park skills can be taught at Queen Elizabeth Country Park (Hampshire). Many of the MTB rides, guided walks and courses are accessible by car from London, Bristol and Swindon.

Navigation courses - Map and compass on foot! - New Forest Navigation

Wessex Adventures - Nigel Parrish - ©2023