Check out the relevant pages for very latest information
Drop Nigel an email or fill out the contact form if you have more questions.
How to book Navigation by Bike course with Nigel Parrish
Go to the navigation by bike booking form here
Decide if you need to PAY FULL PRICE or just a DEPOSIT
FULL PRICE - Use the first drop selector called 'PAY FULL PRICE - all navigation courses, bespoke bookings and NNAS top up fee' to
DEPOSIT - use the second drop down selector called 'PAY DEPOSIT ONLY -Choose what MTB navigation course you would like to pay a deposit on today...' to
Enter the number of people taking part and the full or deposit amount to pay will show at the top and bottom of the form Complete the form
Deposits will be refunded in full via Paypal if
Deposits will not be refunded
How to book a mountain bike guided ride with Nigel Parrish
Go to the MTB guided ride booking form here
From the first selector called 'What do you want to book today - choose from this drop down list' choose
The next selector is called 'Guided MTB rides - choose from list' either Choose the ride date and location in the list - Most weekend area rides are listed here OR if it not in that list choose from the following options depending on what you want to do:
Choose the number of people you want to book onto the ride and the total amount will show at the top and bottom of the form
DEPOSIT - if you only want to pay a deposit then check out the guidance for booking 'Bespoke courses or deposits'
Complete the rest of the form
How to book a bespoke mountain bike guided ride or pay a ride deposit with Nigel Parrish
Go to the MTB guided ride booking form here guided ride booking form here
From the first selector called 'What do you want to book today - choose from this drop down list' choose
Manually enter the course cost
Complete the rest of the form
Deposits will be refunded in full via Paypal if
Deposits will not be refunded
How to book a guided walk with Wessex Adventures - Nigel Parrish
Go to the booking form here URLBOOK
Go to the first drop down selector 'Select which walk you would like book from the list below.' and either
Complete the rest of the form
Emergency contact - This is usually someone that can liaise with the walk leader should there be a minor first aid incident or you need to be picked up early because you are unable to complete the walk.
Agree to the booking terms and check with everyone on the same booking they are fit, able to complete the walk and are all over 18 years old.
How to book a bespoke guided walk or pay a walk deposit with Nigel Parrish
Go to the guided walk booking form here
Go to the first drop down selector 'Select which walk you would like book from the list below.' go to the very bottom of the ;its and choose 'BESPOKE BOOKING - NIGEL TOLD YOU TO DO THIS'
Complete the rest of the form
Emergency contact - This is usually someone that can liaise with the walk leader should there be a minor first aid incident or you need to be picked up early because you are unable to complete the walk.
Agree to the booking terms and check with everyone on the same booking they are fit, able to complete the walk and are all over 18 years old.
How to book a mountain bike skills and technique workshop
How to book a MTB workshop with Nigel Parrish
Go to the Mountain bike skills and technique booking form here
Decide if you need to PAY FULL PRICE or just a DEPOSIT
From the first drop down selector choose either FULL PRICE - Use the first drop selector called 'Full price workshop or course/instruction' to
DEPOSIT - use the second drop down selector called 'Deposit ONLY workshop or course/instruction' to
Enter the number of people taking part and the full or deposit amount to pay will show at the top and bottom of the form Complete the form
Deposits will be refunded in full via Paypal if
Deposits will not be refunded
How to book a bespoke mountain bike skills and technique workshop
How to book a bespoke MTB workshop with Nigel Parrish
Go to the Mountain bike skills and technique booking form here
From the first drop down selector choose 'Bespoke workshop - Nigel told you to do this!'
Mountain bike instruction, MTB guided rides, guided walks and NNAS courses start in the New Forest, Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, South Downs and occasionally the surrounding counties of Sussex, Surrey, Somerset and also South Wales. Blue and red route bike park skills can be taught at Queen Elizabeth Country Park (Hampshire). Many of the MTB rides, guided walks and courses are accessible by car from London, Bristol and Swindon.
Navigation courses - Map and compass on foot! - New Forest Navigation
Wessex Adventures - Nigel Parrish - ©2023